Enjoy free delivery when you add a third product to your cart ! New Omega 3+: The best on the market - see for yourself
Once used to treat various infections, fresh garlic is still known today as the "herb of nine virtues" and its reputation for excellent health has not waned. Black garlic, on the other hand, is the result of a gentle and slow processing of fresh garlic. During this process, known as the Maillard reaction, the garlic is immersed in a very humid atmosphere and at a temperature of 70°C. In addition to giving it a black appearance and a candied texture, this metamorphosis makes it digestible and richer in sulphur compounds.
Our preparation also contains vitamin B1 to support heart function, as well as potassium citrate to maintain normal blood pressure. This natural supplement can be taken all year round. It is an ideal accompaniment to a balanced diet that promotes good cardiovascular health.
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