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To maintain flexibility

Normally, articular cartilage acts as a buffer between the bones. It is composed of cells (chondrocytes), a membrane and synovial fluid. This fluid plays several essential roles: it lubricates and cleans the joint and nourishes the cartilage. Over the years or as a result of too much stress, the synovial fluid tends to decrease, the cartilage becomes less flexible and thinner.


To maintain flexibility

Normally, articular cartilage acts as a buffer between the bones. It is composed of cells (chondrocytes), a membrane and synovial fluid. This fluid plays several essential roles: it lubricates and cleans the joint and nourishes the cartilage. Over the years or as a result of too much stress, the synovial fluid tends to decrease, the cartilage becomes less flexible and thinner.

Turmeric & Piperine

Maintaining joint health


For mobility and flexibility of joints


Protecting and supporting joints, Phase 1


Protecting and supporting joints, Phase 2

Joint cure

The only natural and comprehensive solution for joint comfort


Stimulate microcirculation

Arteries & blood circulation

Preventive action with micronutrition

According to the WHO, 30% of cardiovascular diseases could be avoided by following a balanced diet. Today we know that certain nutrients promote the health of our arteries.

Arteries & blood circulation

Preventive action with micronutrition

According to the WHO, 30% of cardiovascular diseases could be avoided by following a balanced diet. Today we know that certain nutrients promote the health of our arteries.

Omega 3+

Contributes to normal heart and brain function

New formulation

Black Garlic

Maintains blood pressure and heart function

Red yeast rice

Natural response to cholesterol


Natural preparations are wonders

During certain periods of the year or of life, the body changes. All women experience menopausal problems or menstrual pain. And although hormonal changes mainly affect women, men are not spared.


Natural preparations are wonders

During certain periods of the year or of life, the body changes. All women experience menopausal problems or menstrual pain. And although hormonal changes mainly affect women, men are not spared.


Contributes to the functioning of the immune system

New formulation


Helps to stimulate physical and intellectual performance


Maintains proper prostate function and urine flow

Borage & Avocado

Beautiful skin reflects good health


À consommer dès que les ongles et cheveux deviennent cassants


For better health and vitality

Many people suffer from recurrent or permanent digestive problems. Weary of trying different treatments, more or less effective in the short term, they often end up accepting to live with them.


For better health and vitality

Many people suffer from recurrent or permanent digestive problems. Weary of trying different treatments, more or less effective in the short term, they often end up accepting to live with them.


Invigorating the microbiota with lactic acid bacteria

Black Radish & Ginger

Promote digestion


Evacuate pollutants


Against gastric reflux


Provide prebiotic fibre to the digestive system

Digestion cure

Global solution for better digestive comfort

Immune system

Plant extracts, vitamins and minerals

A well-functioning immune system is essential for coping with the assaults your body faces every day. And the strength of the immune response depends to a large extent on what you eat.

Immune system

Plant extracts, vitamins and minerals

A well-functioning immune system is essential for coping with the assaults your body faces every day. And the strength of the immune response depends to a large extent on what you eat.

Winter cure

Prepare and strengthen the immune system

Acerola +

A strength for the immune system

Echinacea +

To support the natural defences


A pure extract of original grapefruit seed


Contributes to the functioning of the immune system

New formulation

Premunis Cure

Mobilise and strengthen your immune system


To naturally purify and revitalise

Today, everyone knows that the food we eat and the air we breathe contain toxins. To eliminate them, our body relies on various organs known as emunctories: liver, intestine, skin, lungs and kidneys.


To naturally purify and revitalise

Today, everyone knows that the food we eat and the air we breathe contain toxins. To eliminate them, our body relies on various organs known as emunctories: liver, intestine, skin, lungs and kidneys.


Evacuate pollutants

Black Radish & Ginger

Promote digestion


Evacuate pollutants


Promote elimination

Cognitive functions & memory

With the support of natural preparations

Memory is one of the cognitive functions that allow us to integrate, retain and retrieve information. It contains our past and allows us to build our future.

Cognitive functions & memory

With the support of natural preparations

Memory is one of the cognitive functions that allow us to integrate, retain and retrieve information. It contains our past and allows us to build our future.

Ginkgo & Ginseng

Improve mental performance and memory


Contributes to optimal intellectual and cognitive activity

Omega 3+

Contributes to the proper functioning of the brain

New formulation


Natural solutions that promote sleep quality

One in three people report suffering from at least one sleep disorder such as insomnia or night wakings. As a result, millions of people have become dependent on sleeping pills over the past decades.


Natural solutions that promote sleep quality

One in three people report suffering from at least one sleep disorder such as insomnia or night wakings. As a result, millions of people have become dependent on sleeping pills over the past decades.


Encouraging good sleep

Gentle Mist

Good conditions for falling asleep

Energy & tonus

For an optimal energy level

Following a short night's sleep, a period of stress, or intense physical activity, it is normal to feel a certain amount of fatigue. But when the lack of energy becomes long-lasting, slows down activities and lowers morale, it is often the sign of a vitamin, mineral or trace element deficiency.

Energy & tonus

For an optimal energy level

Following a short night's sleep, a period of stress, or intense physical activity, it is normal to feel a certain amount of fatigue. But when the lack of energy becomes long-lasting, slows down activities and lowers morale, it is often the sign of a vitamin, mineral or trace element deficiency.

Magnesium & Vitamin C

Regulating mood and energy

Spirulina & Vitamin D

Supplementing the diet with valuable micronutrients


Stimulate the body, reduce fatigue

Acerola +

Support energy metabolism and reduce fatigue

Energy and toning cure

Doing our metabolism good for our well-being

Acid-base balance

To fill up on vitality

Few people have ever heard of the acid-base balance, yet it is the foundation of our health. Just as a shrub will wither in a soil that is too acidic, our bodies will deteriorate if our environment is too acidic.

Acid-base balance

To fill up on vitality

Few people have ever heard of the acid-base balance, yet it is the foundation of our health. Just as a shrub will wither in a soil that is too acidic, our bodies will deteriorate if our environment is too acidic.


Acid-base balance


For a natural acid-base balance

Barley grass

To maintain the acid-base balance

pH test

Detecting acid-base imbalance


Remineralise the body


For years sugar has been everywhere, its consumption is excessive and the negative effects are numerous. Limiting your sugar consumption is an important step for your health. And it's not so difficult, because limiting sugar consumption to the strict minimum for two weeks makes it much less attractive.


For years sugar has been everywhere, its consumption is excessive and the negative effects are numerous. Limiting your sugar consumption is an important step for your health. And it's not so difficult, because limiting sugar consumption to the strict minimum for two weeks makes it much less attractive.

Ginger Candy

A little spice

Grapefruit Candy

A little freshness, a lot of fun