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Evacuate pollutants

Pilosella extract with 1% Flavonoids + Manganese

This food supplement contains extracts of pilosella, fumitory, liquorice and lovage. These 4 plants were used by herbalists to purify the body. Today, they still enjoy a very good reputation for their impact on health.

These plant extracts, naturally rich in active compounds, are combined with manganese, which helps to protect the cells against oxidative stress and to promote energy metabolism. Pilosella extract supports the body's elimination functions and stimulates the elimination of water and toxins

Pilosella - Sekoya
Regular price CHF 49.00
Price per unit per

60 capsules / 30 day treatment


  • - Promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • - Helps to drain water (anti-retention).

    This food supplement contains extracts of pilosella, fumitory, liquorice and lovage. These 4 plants were used by herbalists to purify the body. Today, they still enjoy a very good reputation for their impact on health.

    These plant extracts, naturally rich in active compounds, are combined with manganese, which helps to protect the cells against oxidative stress and to promote energy metabolism. Pilosella extract supports the body's elimination functions and stimulates the elimination of water and toxins

  • - 2 capsules per day. Take 2 capsules with your evening meal and a glass of water.
  • Contraindication Do not use for more than 6 weeks without medical advice. Not recommended for children without prior medical advice.
  • Allergy none

To preserve the nutritional richness of these food supplements, store them in a cool, dry place, away from light. Do not exceed recommended daily doses, and keep out of reach of young children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.



2 capsules VNR
Manganese 1.0 mg 50%
Plant extracts
Fumitory 400 mg *
Pilosella 300 mg *
   of which 1% Flavanoids 3 mg *
Licorice 100 mg *
Lovage 0.30 mg *

*Not defined
NRV = Nutritional Reference Value

Ingredients Fumitory (Fumaria officinaliswhole plant), hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella L.aerial part, Europe), liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra, root), manganese citrate, carrier (silicon dioxide), lovage (Levisticum officinale, root). Vegetable capsule (hypromellose).
Standardised extract


exclusive formula


vegetable capsule


The plant used in this preparation comes from protected cultivation and is processed in a way that preserves all its beneficial properties.

The active ingredients in this product have been tested by an accredited Swiss laboratory.




    • - Drink more than usual, at least 2 litres of water, fresh juice or green tea during the day. Avoid sugary drinks, caffeine and alcohol.
    • - Eat plenty of seasonal vegetables, fruit and salads. Avoid unhealthy fats and industrial sugars.
    • - Walk around, breathe in large bowls of air to also promote detoxification through the respiratory tract.
    • - Sekoya's Pilosella preparation can ideally be combined with the products Black Radish & Ginger and Probiol® during a Detox cure.

60 capsules of 500 mg
Advice sheet
30-day course of treatment

Our clients talk about it

  • By Sara H., Switzerland

    gut gegen Wasseransammlungen, dringend empfohlen.

  • By Susane B., Belgium

    Je me sens plus léger et mieux dans ma peau, top

  • By Elena L., France

    Rétention d'eau pendant ma grocesse, m'a aide a "dégonfler.."

  • By Myriam S., Switzerland

    En fait ce produit sous le nom de piloselle contient d'autres plantes comme le fumeterre très connue et efficace pour l'action drainante, c'est dommage on ne voit pas cela quand on découvre le produit

  • By Nadja B., Switzerland

    n'a rien fait pour moi.

  • By Jessica M., Switzerland

    Plante efficace je ne conaissait pas, je suis très contente des effets :)

  • By Lydia, Belgium

    M'a aidé à ne pas retenir l'eau, j'ai même perdu du poids. Très efficace


Omega 3+

Contributes to the proper functioning of the brain


For a natural acid-base balance