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Every year, when winter arrives, flora and fauna change to face the cold. Equally affected by this change of season, our organisms do not have the ability to adapt fully to it. More fragile in the face of the harsh climate, we are prone to colds, skin dryness, and drops in energy and morale.

For better seasonal defense, Sekoya has developed a Cure Hiver composed of Acerola+, Borage & Avocado and Omega 3+ preparations. They work in synergy to provide the body with all the micronutrients it needs: natural vitamins, minerals, trace elements and omega 3. Many people have adopted this cure to get through the winter in top form!

Winter cure

3 products for a 3 month cure

Winter cure - Sekoya
Regular price CHF 166.00 Reduced price CHF 149.00
Price per unit per
3 bottles | 3 months cure

Prepare and strengthen the immune system

Winter cure

3 products for a 3 month cure

    • All adults

    Every year, when winter arrives, flora and fauna change to face the cold. Equally affected by this change of season, our organisms do not have the ability to adapt fully to it. More fragile in the face of the harsh climate, we are prone to colds, skin dryness, and drops in energy and morale.

    For better seasonal defense, Sekoya has developed a Cure Hiver composed of Acerola+, Borage & Avocado and Omega 3+ preparations. They work in synergy to provide the body with all the micronutrients it needs: natural vitamins, minerals, trace elements and omega 3. Many people have adopted this cure to get through the winter in top form!

    From day 1 to day 90: Acerola+, Borage & Avocado and Omega 3+.

    • Acerola+: 2 tablets a day
      During breakfast if taken regularly, or during lunch.
    • Contraindication None

      Allergy None

    • Borage & Avocado: 1 capsule a day
      During breakfast if taken regularly, or during lunch.
    • Contraindication None


    • Omega3+: 1 capsule a day
      During breakfast if taken regularly, or during lunch.
    • Contraindication None

      Allergy Do not consume if intolerant to fish proteins.

    If you forget, do not double the amount the next day, but simply extend your treatment by one day.

To preserve the nutritional richness of these food supplements, store them in a cool, dry place, away from light. Do not exceed recommended daily doses, and keep out of reach of young children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Standardised extract


natural vitamins


exclusive formula


high bioavailability


The plants used in this preparation come from protected crops and their transformation follows a process that preserves all their beneficial properties.

The active ingredients in this product have been tested by an accredited Swiss laboratory.

  • - See Acerola+ page
  • - See Borage & Avocado page
  • - See Omega 3+ page
  • ×

      • Eat a balanced diet of lean meat and fish. Eat as much as you like of seasonal vegetables and fruit such as cabbage, spinach, squash, radish, lettuce, endive, pear, apple, mandarin orange and kiwi.
      • Use cold-pressed virgin oils to generously season salads and raw vegetables. Choose oils made from rapeseed, walnut, olive, linseed or camelina.
      • Air your home regularly and briefly during the day to renew the air.
      • Dress warmly and go for a walk in the fresh air, ideally for 30 minutes a day, so you can exercise in any season. And better oxygenation means more energy and better sleep.
      • Respect your internal biological clock and your need for winter sleep. The ideal amount of sleep for an adult is between 7 and 8 hours a night.
      • Learn to reduce stress by taking time out to relax and socialize with friends.

    Our clients talk about it

    • By Jorgia, France

      Facile à prendre, j'aime l'emballage des produits, et pas de rhume

    • By Dominique L., Switzerland

      D'excellents produits, ils sont efficaces et font une belle présentation à la table du petit-déjeuner

    • By Edith W., Switzerland

      Ich liebe es, ich teile es mit meinem Mann vor dem Winter

    • By Laurette, Switzerland

      Acheté en pharmacie et re-acheté par votre site, je ne sais pas si ça protège comme l'a dit mon pharmacien, mais j'ai une immense pêche,super contente !-

    • By Solène D., Switzerland

      Die Winterkur ist eine globale Lösung zum Schutz des Körpers. Ich enmpfehle sie, weil sie Schutz fur die Haut bietet, der im Winter oft übersehen wird, und somit Omega3 Fettsäuren sowie Vitamine une Mineralien für die Immunität vorteilhaft ist.

    • By Mathieu B., France

      Parfois j'oublie de prendre mes capsules. Mais dans l'ensemble ça marche plutôt bien

    • By Marie-claude P., France

      Dommage que la cure est chère et je voulais pas les oméga

    • By Jung, Switzerland

      Chaque année je prends cette cure hiver et je reste à l'abri des refroidissments

    • By Cécile P., Switzerland

      Un peu chère pour une étudiante comme moi, mais bon


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